61,19 ha
Total area of
the greenhouse complex
44 thous. tonnes
Of fresh vegetables per annum - greenhouse complex productivity after reaching the full production
New jobs
in moscow suburbs
21,25 rub bn
Project budget
Area - 34,84 ha
Volume of production – 26 935 tonnes per annum
Cultivated crops – tomato, cucumber, leaf lettuce
Jobs - 542
Commissioning date – Q4 of 2020
Area - 26,35 ha
Volume of production – 17 667 tonnes per annum
Cultivated crops – tomato
Jobs - 413
Commissioning date – Q4 of 2021
Environmental protection and attitude of care towards consumed resources, impact on the ecosystem - these are the principles that were taken as the essential ones at the stage of engineering study of the business project, then were reflected in specific engineering solutions and currently continue to be cultivated under construction. After commissioning of the greenhouse complex, the nuances required in terms of environment will allow the company to produce truly ecologically pure products.
Chip coconut is 100% environmentally friendly material, which will be used as a soil for planting. This natural material is not only as neutral as possible in terms of environment, but also will help to save water. Due to its structure, a cube of coconut substrate is able to hold 8-9 times more water than its own weight.
A complete refusal from the application of pest control chemicals became possible due to the shift to biological methods of plant protection. That is why vegetables from the greenhouse complex “Podmoskovie” can be confidently recommended to any category of consumers.
Our company guarantees the environmental friendliness of our products.
Management of each and every systems in the greenhouse complex under construction will be carried out by a single center - a climate computer. This will fully automate majority of technological processes. The task of the climate computer is the continuous information flow analysis. The information will be collected from a whole sensors net that monitor the slightest changes in both the external and internal environment of the greenhouse complex. Based on the results of the analysis, the system calculates the amount of water for irrigation, switches on supplementary lighting, opens/closes the ventilation windows, determining the optimal angle of opening, changes other operating conditions that regulate the microenvironment in the greenhouse.
Technological-process automation will allow for significant energy savings.
Despite the high level of automation, a lot of handwork is required during handling of plants. It is clear that product quality is largely dependent on how comfortable the employees of the greenhouse will feel at the workplace. Therefore, optimal working conditions, material support and specially designed social programs are an obligatory component of a new generation enterprise.